the cushioned chair a gentle comfort for a weary soul
Gods word before me a soothing reminder of the love and mercy i recieve.
James letter to the tribes our study of the night,
tired eyes read on pondering the advice
mind drifts out of conversation
like a ship leaving port.
ears faintly hear the discusion
eyes widely staring at the page
words dancing and shaking like a rocket at launh
with a burst of light and mist
the words spiral off the page around me
like a hurricane of word and light and mist.
then i hear a voice like a man reading
reading his thoughts a he writes.
after he has spoken, i dive,
in a warp like fashion through God's word.
i arrive in a white room full of white
floating in the air are verses linked to James.
"now do you understand" echoes a voice.
i shrug my shoulders still perplexed.
in response the passages morph and twist
solid masses now imagery of the verses.
big black embossed letters fly before me,
like a speeding train,
without wait, I entered a large white space,
where beside me stood a Roman centurion,
wearing the armour of God.
before him stood a large raging bull,
it began to charge, the soldier stood firm.
I hid behind the soldier in fear,
only to see his back was not protected,
the bull kept coming, the soldier stood firm.
he won, because he did not turn and flee.
Then the voice echoed again,
"do you understand now?"
still perplexed i nodded and hmmmed.
out of the light and words i flew,
pulsing out like the beat of a heart,
every pulse faster than before,
back to the cushioned comfort.
now i understood,
still within my minds eye.
delusion or not, I dont know,
all i know is Alice and the white rabbit,
were not there....
this happened to me while in homegroup.