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Friday, 27 August 2010

No Time to Stand and Stare

I have come to realisation about time. As of late, I have been working ridiculous hours, training at early hours, trying to fit as many things into my week as is unhumanly possible. I have been learning to get by on at max 3-4 hours sleep. I probably already knew the dangers of this, but threw them into the gutter along with all other common sense. I did indeed feel the strain all this work and no play was having on my health.

I was listening to a sermon by Pastor Mark Driscoll, it was part of a series on knee high mia, (Nehamiah) this particular sermon was talking about how it is important to make use of the gift of sabbath. Now we are not talking about `the official sabbath` Saturday for the Jews and Sunday for us God fearing gentiles.(for that is a whole other sermon) No what we are talking about is the gift of quality time with God, without any distractions or without badly attempting to multi task. This made me realise how important it is to have a sabbath, even if it is on a tuesday. I had been trying to fit God into the few short minutes I had free during the week, instead of setting aside a day just for him.

So I have decided I am going to try and set aside a day for the Lord, and hopefully feel the goodness it will have on my physical, spiritual and emotional health. I hope also I will gain a certain closeness to God that I have kind of sidelined.

cf Ecclesiasties 3, there is a time for everything.

So stay tuned and I will update on how well or badly this went...